
OPSIS LiquidLINE provides analytical solutions for producers of fertilizers.

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) Determinations
OPSIS LiquidLINE has solutions for determination of Total Nitrogen (TKN) in Fertilisers. The samples are digested with sulphuric acid to convert organic nitrogen into ammonium sulfate. The samples are further distilled by steam distillation followed by titration. Reducing agents, such as salicylic acid or Devarda’s alloy, might also be added in digestion step.

Total Oxidised Nitrogen (TON) Determinations
OPSIS LiquidLINE provides instruments to determine Total oxidised nitrogen, nitrite (NO2) and nitrate (NO3). Determination is done in two steps, first step is to determine free and fixed ammonia and second step is using Devarda’s Alloy.

Ammonia (NH3), Urea-N, Ammonium (NH4) Determinations
OPSIS LiquidLINE provides instruments to determine free ammonia using steam distillation followed by titration. Ammonium, fixed ammonia, can be determined by adding alkali prior to the distillation.

Anticaking Additives
OPSIS LiquidLINE provides instruments to extract additives from fertilizers, something desired when measuring anticaking additives. The sample is prepared and thereafter extracted in hot solvents. Calculation of fat content follows gravimetrically after the extract has been dried to a constant weight.

In some cases it is interesting to determine the oil content in fertilizer (not only fat but also fat-soluble pigments). OPSIS LiquidLINE provides instruments to extract oil from fertilizers. The sample is prepared and thereafter extracted in hot solvents.

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